The Power of a Single Moment

Meetings can be challenging in any office. Folks generally arrive late, squirm with impatience, check mobile devices under the table, fret about the amount of work to be done, and talk too much or not enough.

One simple technique can shift the outcome of your next meeting. When it is time for the meeting to start ask attendees to take just a moment to settle into their chairs, take a breath, look around the room, and set aside for the duration of the meeting their concerns about what will be waiting for them at their desks. Now be quiet, just for a minute! When you sense that you have your group’s undivided attention, say thank you, and begin.

Your meeting will be pleasant and productive. It will generate more participation and cooperation. Best of all, it will be shorter!

This is the power of meditation at work.

Furthermore, learning some ways to work with your own mind during that moment of silence can generate all kinds of other positive outcomes for you, the company, and all your people.

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